Sunday, November 23, 2008

More Green Tips

I've been doing some things around the house lately to be more "green." Here are some new ones:
  • I installed a window insulation kit in the bedroom. Since we live in a rental, the windows aren't of great quality. The kit was relatively inexpensive and easy to install. It basically creates an air bubble around my window to keep out cold air, which is supposed to lower heating costs.
  • Installed a new door insulator for the door that goes from the house to the garage. Last winter, I shoved towels underneath to cut down on the draft, but that didn't work so well. This kit was only like $7 at Walmart and has created a very tight seal under the door.
  • Hung up thermal curtains in the living room. They are supposed to absorb heat in the summer and cool air in the winter.
I also signed up to not receive anymore phone books at this Web site:

AND I found a few search engines that are supposed to save energy. I like this one the best:

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